Heading Home 2017

On Friday November 17, 2017 the employees of Officeworks came together to help a family in need. Working with the organization, Heading Home, 28 staff members came together to clean and furnish an apartment for a mom and her two children. “The time and effort were well worth it,” said Mark Loughlin, Principal of Officeworks. “The overall joy and huge smiles by this family were amazing. It was truly a great feeling”.

Prior to the event date, Jenn Jarek of Officeworks, worked closely with Heading Home to make sure the day was a success. Jenn was instrumental in the planning and execution of the day’s activities. In addition, we worked with Cubicle Solutions to arrange for the pick-up and delivery of the donated furniture, bedding, carpets, kitchen and bathroom ware and general supplies. Cubicle Solutions is a premier installer of commercial office furniture systems.


heading home officeworks team

Heading Home is dedicated to solving homelessness and providing solutions. Their mission is to end homelessness in Greater Boston by providing a supported pathway to self-sufficiency that begins with a home, together with critical services such as life skills, financial literacy, and job training.

Heading Home logo